Sunday, September 25, 2011


An interview with Mr. Dave Rantor the Production director, was held before the new SAPI system went live. In it he explains what his expectations about the impact of the system are.
           My idea in putting SAPI in our system is that SAPI was going to ensure that we only manufactured that which we needed, it was going to reduce our inventory, it’s got potential for planning our materials right the way through the whole of the manufacturing process. It was also going to enable to bring in more business without having to go the corporation and ask for more capital. So it seeemed to fulfill a number of problems that we were grappling with. I guess the other area that caused us a lot of concern was that, over the years, different departments were working with the different pieces of data. It was becoming increasingly apparent that much of the time was being spent in trying to defend the different pieces of data against all the other data that was around. There was no common database from which the company operated.  There was a lot of different information , and all that did that was to confuse people because, depending upon who you asked, you got different answer. It was also leading to much unnecessary work here just trying to figure out which numbers were correct, if any of them was correct, and what basis of those numbers was. We saw an enormous advantage if we could bring in one common database across the company that was available to everyone and was being constantly updated, So once again SAPI was an obvious way of tackling that problem . So, that’s where we started from. We started by saying these the problems we’ve got and SAPi appeared to be a solution to these problems. Then we began to see a number of other benefits that  were going to come from having SAPI, that was to do with changing our culture, for want of a better expression. Our feeling was that responsibility was not being taken at the appropriate level in the organization. There was a need to force responsibility and accountability down the management line to the place where the accountability should rest, it varied throughout the organization but in general we felt the accountability was one or maybe two layers above where it ought to be. We saw that SAPI was going to help us because everyone was going to be part of the same system.
                It is also my concern that we’ve spent a lot of time in reporting performance. In the past it’s been expected that npeople in the plant have to report on various aspects of plant performance at regular intervals. It’s been a lot of pain in getting all the information together and putting it into the right form for it to be meaningful. Often when it’s meaningful it’s also been historic so really it’s not been all that valuabe, it’s been meaningful it’s also been what happened but it’s not much use in telling you what you’re going to happen and how to avoid problems in the future. That whole reporting system will change because the information is going to be readily accessable and you can pull it out of the system in whatever form you want as long as you decide what that form is in advance. Better than that, you’re not going to have to wait until the end of the month, or whatever period it is you normally write your report in, but you can have the machine monitoring certain things for you. So you can be looking at trends and you can get warnings of impending horror stories. You can do something about it beforehand – you’re going to be spending your time on preventative things rather than curative things, I see that this is going to free an enormous amount of time nad the result of that is we don’t need as many people to do the same things as we’ve been doing in the past.


1.     1.  Discuss the information Systems Development Plan- Purpose, Scope and Objective.
             Give your own opinion and reflections.

Information systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. A series of methodologies and processes can be used in order to develop and use an information system. The use of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is a systematic procedure of developing an information system through stages Planning, Analysis and Design that occur in sequence will be a big help to the developers in developing the organizations operation. This can be accomplished by outsourcing certain components or the entire system. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics of the organization, its work systems, its people, and its development and implementation methodologies together determine the extent to which that purpose is achieved. It is a big help for an organization in using ISDS because it defines the deliverables that the project is expected to deliver. In short, it will be a guide or outlined plan for the developers in achieving their organizational plans. Things will be done successfully if you already plan first what will you wanted to be done to your projects. The operations will not ruin in the end if you had your plans. ISDS is a key factor in developing and implementing projects operations.

The Purpose, Scope and Objectives of the System

The Purpose of the System: Company Y has always had a “progressive” view on the use of Information Technology. The establishment desires to develop a company- wide system that would essentially and drastically change not only the warehouse department’s classic card based warehouse stock system but the whole Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control Systems. A system that would address the financial planning and operational planning in units, improving not only the transaction process of the department but also the way they would respond to these processes to bring the costs down, allowing them to be more competent in the field.

The Scope: The system is to be used by the accounts department to continually automate repetitive manual processes such as Payroll, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Financial Modeling and Standard Costing.  It is also to benefit the Warehouse department, changing the usual card stock system, and the whole company even to have common database for the readily access of the Informations. The company also have their concern on “How it should and can operate”. Those are the following first, the Master production schedule (MPS), then the Item master data (technical data), Bill of materials (BOM) (technical data), Production resources data (manufacturing technical data), Inventories and orders (inventory control), Purchasing management, Material requirements planning (MRP), Shop floor control (SFC), Capacity planning or capacity requirements planning (CRP), Standard costing (cost control), Cost reporting / management (cost control).

Plan the system thoroughly enabling it:
        To have accurate inventory records
         To have a better control of inventories, thus reducing the working capital for inventory
        To have an improved scheduling, being able to plan manufacturing activities
        To plan the resources more effectively
          To gain productive relationships with suppliers and clients
         To have an improved design control
        To have better quality and quantity control, ensuring materials are available for production and that the company would only manufacture those which are needed.
        To have improved cash flow through quicker deliveries

2.  Comment on the Relationship of IS and the organization.     
The relationship of Information System and the organization is just like the IS became the organizer of the organization’s files and everything they were doing and the organization is the commander of the system.
-The Information Systems (IS) affect the organization as a whole. It gives them an academic/professional discipline bridging the business field and the well-defined computer science field that is evolving toward a new scientific area of study. An information systems discipline therefore is supported by the theoretical foundations of information and computations such that learned scholars have unique opportunities to explore the academics of various business models as well as related algorithmic processes within a computer science discipline. Typically, information systems or the more common legacy information systems include people, procedures, data, software, and hardware (by degree) that are used to gather and analyze digital information.
 Specifically this computer-based information systems are complementary networks of hardware/software that the  people in an organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, & distribute data (computing). Information System(s) in computer is often a track within the computer science field studying computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their software & hardware designs, their applications, and their impact on society. Overall, an IS discipline emphasizes functionality over design.
IS is a great help to the organization since it is a combination of information technology and people's activities using that technology to support operations and management. IS provides the organization a better way to access large amounts and different kinds of informations.
Information system in the broadest sense is also the interaction between people, algorithmic processes, data and technology. In this sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and communication technology (ICT) an organization uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this technology in support of business processes.
When it comes to work, the information system really contributed a lot to the company by having one common database—that when you store data on it and wanted to retrieve it soon, all people in the organization can have the same information in any particular aspect they want to have. Because of the system, the company was able to save lots of data to the database without having so much time and effort. Even if they had lots of products to enter into the database, they were to manage them accurately because of the system. The people had benefited for they were only sending commands to the system and it was for the system to do the assigned tasks. Despite of the company’s large area of work and fast production of their products, the system was still able to lessen their jobs and it was for the organization to take good care of it.

3.  Describe the impact of the IS and give your own reflections.               
The Information System helped the company to become more efficient and it also helped the people in the company in planning their resources more effectively. The result of using their resources in a more effective and more efficient way was that would bring their unit cost down and make them more competitive. The IS ensured that they only manufactured which they needed, reduced their inventory and got the potential for planning their materials right the way through the whole of the manufacturing process. It also enabled them to plan the utilization for their people much better. They were also being able to bring in more business without having to go to the corporation and ask for more capital.
Though IS helped a lot to the organization, it did not mean to change the way people made the organization operate, it was about how people handle the Information System and the way people made decisions when they had got the better information that was going to be available from the system.  Even if the people of the company found it hard to deal with the IS at first and were considered as forced to use the system,  still they were able to deal with it through teachings of proper usage of the system and the right dealing of it. There should be a good relationship between the system and the users to work effectively and accurately and also to avoid the unnecessary errors that may occur. The IS was really a great help to the organization for it was able to solve problems that they had been encountering since before the time the IS  came out—like reducing the workload of their people and providing one common database to have the same data. So obviously, the impact of IS was good and beneficial to the organization because it made them more productive and effective.

4. The Negative impact of Information System:
Businesses or any certain organization need information that's timely, useful, cost-effective, accessible, organized and accurate. Therefore, information systems must be constantly maintained and upgraded to meet the company's expectations and customers' needs. To do this, managers must not be only be aware of the advantages but with its disadvantages of the system as well.
        When the company don’t have the iliterate person who can handle the Information Sytem. And in this manner this might cause losing data and information. Certain company must trained their employees about the proper use of their IS, employee must be also knowledgable in operating the system in order them to render proper services to the costumers, In operating IS not only literate in computer can do handle the work. It can also be used by others by just training them or orienting them all about IS and ilustrating the prosseses involved in it. for all data must be entered accurately into the computer.
        Like what I have said Information must not be looked upon its pros but also with its cons. Information systems may not always function properly. This happens for a number of reasons. Systems break down, interrupting smooth operations and causing customer dissatisfaction. One example of this is, customers may be charged for the wrong services or for merchandise that they did not order. Also, defective information systems can deliver the wrong information to other systems, which could create further problems for the company and its customers. The operator of the system must keep on checking the IS, maintenance in the system is very necessary to avoid problems mentioned above. The company also must double check the services a costumers asked for..
        Systems are vulnerable to hackers and fraud. The company should put security on the system. If the system manipulated by a hacker and change all the data in it, it might be the  cause of a big lost to the company.
        As the company grows, the information system usually grows with it. And sometimes causes the information systems break down. In this case customers should be notified immediately, informed of the problem and the time it will take to fix it. Immediately informing customers of what's going on goes a long way in proving the company's reliability.

5. Give your reflection on the ethical issues relating to the given IS planning and implementation.
                Information helped certain company provide services to their costumers. Information arose because of one goal that is to implement the company wide. It causes great impact to the company as well as It has going to have an effect on the employee within the company and it is going to have any opportunity to do a lot of work. IS believed that they can supply the needs of the company, and think to swallow the number of problems that the company was screaming with. By providing common database they can able to pull information out of the computer a lot easier then get hold of the information at a moment.
                The information systems plan runs fluently, it is where the BPCS was chosen by the Y company as a software for SAPI system but for some other reason, the mother company refused to go with the Y company. They reprimand that the MAPICS II should be use, because in business transaction it is more accurate in the parent company. Argumentations, complains and issues followed the proposal/suggestion and as a solution the company conducted a survey and interview.
                I liked their way of getting and hearing the diffrent opinion from the members for they did it fairly. By doing it so, causes an easy way in finding solutions to a problem. Every time there’s an argument we really not need to leave it unsettle but rather try to think of a better solution and that would lead you in goodness. Discussing problem with the gpoup will lead to clarity rather than by just thinkin' it all alone. Just like in IS they we’re able to produce a good application for they never leave their arguments hanging.